If you are serious about turning around your health, this cleanse is for you

A Spring Detox And Why It’s Important

Come April, we are always interested in a Spring Cleanse, particularly if it has been a hard-charging winters and comfort eating. Relentless wine and brownies can not only cause us to gain a few unwanted pounds, but we typically find ourselves sugar-addicted and riding the crash in a way that’s not all that productive when it’s time to get ready for spring. So, a good few weeks of kicking caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, added sugars, gluten, dairy, etc. is just the thing to put us back on track. We all want vibrant bodies, loads of energy, and a clear mind. Staying healthy is a combination of good digestion, proper nutrition, and eliminating toxins in our body.

The Importance of Detoxing

Becoming healthy is the most common for a good reason. It is one of the core reasons which we depend on to gain good health. Are you gaining health? Or losing it? Without vibrant health and wellness, how can we begin to really enjoy life to its fullest?
I have found that there are two essential pillars required to successfully turn a hopeful health into a reality:
A good plan, which serves as a map and provides structure.
A support community, to provide accountability and encouragement on your journey.
After many years in the cleansing category I’ve discovered a plan that works, and I’ve called it the Clean Detox Program. The Clean Detox Program is a proven plan that thousands have followed to achieve vibrant health.

The Clean 21-Day Cleanse

Spring is coming, and with springtime brings the skin that we have been hiding under clothes all winter. When cleansing, it is important to select ingredients that do not cause extra stress and damage to the body. Staying healthy is a combination of good digestion, proper nutrition, and cleansing.

Try this spring cleanse along with your Clean Start & Internal Flush Detox PM.

This spring cleanse uses a whole food approach, and the suggested habits and recommendations can be integrated into real life allowing for sustainable change. Try following the guidelines for at least three to five days. The longer the better! Remember it takes 21 days to form a habit.

Eating simple whole foods in their whole form is best. Processed foods are depleted of valuable nutrients and packed full of chemicals and sugars. Retrain your taste buds to enjoy a fresh carrot or simple slices of cucumber with lemon juice and sea salt.

Staying hydrated stops you from overeating, very often when we feel hungry, it is often a sign of dehydration. It is best to drink lots of water before and after meals but not during. Water helps the body detoxify, which keeps the digestive system healthy. Sip on teas and water throughout the day; try to consume 1 cup of water, tea, or other liquid every 30 minutes, except 30 minutes before or after meals. A small glass of warm water with lemon or tea is acceptable during meals if you need something. My favourite spring drink is cold mint tea with chlorophyll and lemon.

Eating high-fibre foods helps the body stay full. Fibre increases the calories spent breaking down the actual food and helps create a sense of satiety. Fibre helps the body eliminate toxins and keeps the digestive system healthy so that the nutrients can be properly absorbed into the body. Good examples are lentils, beans, collard greens, grapefruit, asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Exercising, sleeping, and not stressing are all unbelievably and equally important and can help lower levels of cortisol, a hormone responsible for fat formation in the body. Cortisol levels increase when we are stressed or tired. Exercise reduces cortisol levels and is necessary for detoxification and overall health of the cardiovascular system. It also helps facilitate the movement of toxins out of the body. Every day, complete 30 to 45 minutes of exercise, followed by deep breathing and stretching.

Detoxification can be aided by dry brushing, saunas and steams, detox baths, and cold showers. They are an excellent way to help release toxins. They are also all great for increasing the health and appearance of the skin before spring and for encouraging stress reduction. It’s important to dry brush your skin and end with one minute of cold water when you shower. This helps to move toxins in the skin.